12.05.2013 Bulletin
by Marita
(Montevideo, Uruguay)
"The historic failure of democracy is that it is "government of the busy, by the bully, for the bossy"." ---- Arthur Seldon 
Bejing Restaurante Chino was found to be excellent--it is small, the owners want us to be there and to be happy, and do everything they can to make our visit pleasant, so we will be going there again this
Sunday, May 19th, at 14:00 (2 pm). Please remember that they will want to close at 16:00 (4 pm), so do try to come as close to 14:00 as you can (or even earlier--they will be open).
Lots to cover this week, including:
1 . There are
several websites that can help you use the bus services in Montevideo.
http://omnibus.tulugar.com.uy/ At this site, you can enter the place where you are (either the street and number or the street and the cross street), and the destination, then click on "Ir en ómnibus", if you want the map to show the suggested buses, or on "Ir caminando" if you want driving directions.
http://www.cutcsa.com.uy/informacion/inicio.php has several possible ways of asking what you want to know: You can find out which bus numbers stop near a particular street address or corner, you can ask when a particular bus on that route leaves, or you can see the whole route of a particular bus, including where it stops.
http://www.montevideobus.com.uy/ With this site, you can enter your departure point and your destination, and the map will show you your options for getting there.
There is also a booklet entitled Pocket Guía de Montevideo "Eureka", currently in the 9th edition, that shows all the buses and where they go within Montevideo, available at most bookstores. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a large map that shows all the bus routes and bus stops..... Anyone need something to do?....
Disco is having its yearly 10 peso sale of all manner of little household items, including socks, cleaning items, glasses and small dishes, clothespins, box openers, and items too varied to list. Also included are food staples--canned goods, flour (1 kg for 20 pesos), rice, and snacks. The sale runs from May 13th to May 27th.
3. Some
friends are leaving us, and have decided to sell some furniture and appliances here. Pictures are attached, and you can see the items on Sunday, May 19th, after the UIE from 16:30 to 17:30 or on Tuesday, May 21 between 12:00 and 15:00 (noon to 3 pm) and you can contact the sellers at 2710 7967 or by E-Mail at durandetto "the at sign" aol.com. The address is Solano Antuña 2730, Apt. 201, located between Ellauri and Berro.
1. Leather arm chair (H 89 cm, W 108 cm, D 91 cm)
2. TV Cabinet (H 189 cm, W 101 cm, D 54 cm)
3. Dining room table and eight chairs (L 198 cm, W 108 cm)
4. Washer/Dryer (H 100 cm, W 57 cm, D 59 cm)
5. Double door refrigerator with ice maker (H 177 cm, W 90 cm, D 70 cm)
6. Five burner gas top stove with electric convection oven (H 85 cm, W 90 cm,D 60)
7. Double bed with built in drawers (Bed: L 206 cm, W 146 cm; Mattress L 188 cm, W 135 cm, D 28
cm )
The leather chair, dining room set, and the double bed were purchased in the US a little over two years ago. The double bed was used only by our daughter for two months. The TV cabinet is also from the US but is over ten years old
The stove, refrigerator, and washer/dryer were all bought in Montevideo two years ago.
Rental needed: A couple is coming from the USA, and will be here from June 14th into January, she to do research on a Fulbright, and he will be at the university. Their baby was born mid-April, and the grandparents are coming along to help, so they need something large enough for the whole family. The grandparents are planning to stay through August, but are flexible. Any suggestions?
Music: Some of the upcoming classical events are listed, as far as has been possible to check. (There is even more, but these are the events that seem most interesting.) Let me know if you are interested in any of these events, or indeed any others. Info about the Joshua Bell concert and other events can be found at
-- 16-05 Sodre (Nelly Goitiño) – Dual piano (4 hands) – Carles Lama & Sofía Cabruja of Spain – $60 to $120 – Bach: Cuatro corales, Brahms: Variaciones sobre un tema de Haydn op 56b, Basomba: TNT (Toccata-Nocturne-Toccata), Rachmaninov: Adagio de la Sinfonía Nº2 en mi menor op 27 (transc. Wilschau), Ravel: La valse, no other information yet
-- 25-05 Sodre – Ballet Gala – tickets for some early respondents are already purchased. Anyone else want to go?
-- 28-05 Solís – Bulgarian pianist Ludmil Angelov w/ Orquesta Filarmónica de Montevideo - $150 – Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue & 2 Shostakovich works –
http://www.teatrosolis.org.uy/uc_2233_1.html-- 29-05 Solís – Flautist Emmanuel Pahud w/ Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra - $800 to $1850 – http://www.teatrosolis.org.uy/uc_2227_1.html
-- 06-06 Sodre (Nelly Goitiño) – "Violín y Guitarra", Carolina Hasaj, violín – Ana Inés Zeballos, guitarra – $60 to $120 – Obras de Vivaldi, Paganini, Giuliani, Satie, Ravel, Torrent y Piazzolla
-- 13-06 Sodre (Nelly Goitiño) – "Flauzzolleando", Cuarteto de Flautas de Montevideo, Beatriz Zoppolo, Olga Bertinat, Sandra Nion, Pablo Somma – $60 to $120 – Obras de Bach, Pachelbel, Volante, de Lorenzo, Mozart, Bozza, Guardia, Weiske y Piazzolla
-- 20-06 Solís – Atos Piano Trio (from Germany), no other information yet
-- 27-06 Sodre (Nelly Goitiño) – "Ars Musicae", Orquesta de Cámara – Dirección: Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet, Solistas: Margarita González, Stella González, Carolina Hasaj, Noelle Fostel, Orquesta: Juan Cannavó, Betina Chaves, Andrés Aldado, Pablo Beretta, Rafael Rodríguez, Leonora Iglesias, Juan Rodríguez, Roberto de Bellis – $60 to $120 – Obras de Vivaldi, Telemann, Sibelius, Martín, Piazzolla y Britten
July & beyond (not complete yet):
-- 29-07 Solís – Violinist Hilary Hahn w/ Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under Paavo Jarvi, Viextemps’ Concierto No. 4, no other information yet
-- ??-09 Sodre – Joshua Bell – Early enthusiasts already have gotten tickets--anyone else?
-- ??-09 Sodre – Pianist Gabriela Montero (from Venezuela), no other information yet
This has gotten impossibly long, but I didn't know what to omit, so here you have all the gleanings for this week.
Sunday, May 19th, will find us at Beijing Restaurante Chino at 14:00 (2 pm), and I look forward to seeing you there.
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