by Marita
(Montevideo, Uruguay)
Dear Folks
The weather is still excellent! So, while waiting for winter, you can come over to La Papoñita in Montevideo to talk about anything and everything with others enjoying the fact that winter has not yet arrived.
And yes, we will be back at La Papoñita this coming Sunday, so at14:00 (2 pm), so La Papoñita is the place to be.
Other topics that may be of interest include:
1. If an electronics engineer would like skip this coming winter in Uruguay and spend a few months in London working on an interesting project creating cheap electricity to power lights, so that the poor worldwide can stop using the dangerous kerosene, you can still send your CV to GravityLight. And yes, they have developed a light that works with something everyone everywhere has for free--gravity. The deadline was actually May 2nd, but they say you can still apply.
Find out more about GravityLight at:
and read about the position at:
2. Some Uruguayan History. This time a surprise: There is a holiday coming up on May 18th, Batalla de las Piedras, celebrating the first important victory of Artigas in 1811, and this time, stores and office will NOT be closed. Definitely a first! You can read all about it at
3. It might be a good time to think about cell phone security: A visitor from Brazil had her cell phone stolen while in Uruguay, and had to leave without it, but she had an app through which it could be traced, so that story has a happy ending. There are several apps that make this possible, and others that provide added security. Check out:
Other stories have had less happy endings: There is a new trick, in which thieves set up their own "businesses" with numbers that are expensive to call, and then go to another country, where they steal phones and then call their own "business" numbers, leading to cell phone bills of thousands for the owner. The solution to that is to be sure that you set your phone to require the password immediately.
4. There is lots of music to be enjoyed, much of it for free.
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