21.07.2013 Bulletin
by Marita
(Montevideo Uruguay)
"It is reported that Socrates once proposed that, because there were far more fools than wise men in the world, any majority decision must be worthless. His peers agreed and approved his proposition by a large majority." ---- Bill Bonner Dear Folks,
Lots of newcomers to Montevideo joined us at
La Papoñita (18 de Julio at the corner of Minas) on Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm), and we enjoyed meeting them. It turns out that La Papoñita is large enough and flexible enough to deal with this group, so we continue to meet there every Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm), and will do so again on March 4th, and until further notice, so do come and join us.
So what else is going on?

1. Well, Uruguay made it in to the BBC World News when the lower house of parliament voted 50 to 46 to legalize (and control) marijuana growth and sales, so as to avoid all the problems that arise from its illegality. Neighboring countries are watching with great interest, particularly those dealing with drug related criminality in the War on Drugs.
2. A recommended seamstress: Elela at Libertad 2915, Telephone 2709 0178, does all manner of repairs like putting in new zippers, repairing bed linens and of course fixing hems. Her prices are described as reasonable. But she only speaks Spanish.
3. A recommended restaurant: Many have spoken highly of
an excellent restaurant run by a French owner, and now the particulars have been provided: The name of the restaurant is Estrecho Cuisine Moderne, located at Sarandi 460. Telephone 2915 6107. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 12 to 16 (noon to 4 pm). The owner speaks French, Spanish and English, and prices are reported to be very good in relation to what you get.
4. The
Mercado Agricola is really worth a visit--a picture of the imposing structure, newly renovated, is attached. It is open from 8 to 22 (8 am to 10 pm), and features little stalls selling all manner of items related to food and food preparation. There are not only many vegetable and meat stalls, but also dairy products, meat, and wine. It also has shops with appliances for food preparation, containers, and all manner of kitchen gadgets. It is located near the Parliament at Jose L Terra 2220 between José de Amezaga and Martin Garcia. The area, hhmmm, well it leaves something to be desired, so daytime might be a better time to visit there than nights, although you probably will have no problems.
A recommended acupuncturist: For anyone feeling they might benefit from trying acupuncture, Dr. Roberto Rea is recommended. Not only is he very good at what he does, but he will tell you up front if he does not believe he can help you with your problem. If you see him, a report on the visit will be appreciated.
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