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25.08.2013 Bulletin

by Marita
(Montevideo Uruguay)


"H.L. Mencken (....) observed that "the urge to save humanity is almost always a false-front for the urge to rule it." ---- Butler Shaffer

Dear Folks,

Montevideo has been enjoying the same temperatures as northern Europe, and it's summer there, so be of good cheer--winter here will be over soon.

But regardless of the weather or the season, the Uruguay Info Exchange meets at La Papoñita every Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm), so come join us on Sunday, August 25th to meet new people, renew acquaintances with those you already know, and to discuss all manner of topics--whatever interests you.

This week's items of note include:

1. Email change! Please send all UIE correspondence from now until further notice to uyinfo (at)

Every Friday & Saturday in August & September 1:30pmTeatro Solís, Sala de Conferencias y EventosMilongas con ExhibicionesFree!
Every Saturday in August & September 1pmTeatro Solís, Sala de Conferencias y EventosTango workshops for absolute beginners, followed by exhibitions and dance time!Free!
Miércoles 28 de agosto, 20 hTeatro del Colegio La Mennais (José Acqistapace 1701 esq. Av. José Fructuoso Rivera)La Banda Sinfónica de MontevideoPopular Uruguayo oldiesFree!
Viernes 30 de agosto, 20 hFacultad de Arquitectura (Bulevar Artigas 1031)La Banda Sinfónica de MontevideoPopular Uruguayo oldiesFree!
August 31Sodre, Adela RetaTemporada Sinfónica 2013ChabrierEspaña
D'RiveraGran Danzón
De FallaEl Sombrero de Tres Picos
September 6Sodre, Adela RetaTemporada Sinfónica 2013BrahmsSinfonía No3
BrahmsConcierto para piano y orquesta No2, Alexander Panizza
September 8Sodre, Adela RetaJoshua Bell (already have tickets!!! J)??????
September 14Sodre, Adela RetaTemporada Sinfónica 2013GershwinAn American in Paris
CoriglianoConcierto para violin The Red Violin, Lara St. John
CoplandSinfonía No3
October 17 19:30Auditorio Nelly GoitiñoRecital "2 Pianos" Roderigo Robles de Medina (Holanda) y Mariana AiraudoBrahmsSonata para 2 pianos en fa menor op. 34b
SchubertDivertissement à la Hongroise op. 54
MilhaudScaramouche op. 165b
Martes 22 de octubre, 19:30Teatro SolísOrquesta Filarmónica de Montevideo, Director: David del Pino Klinge (Perú / Chile)
Solista: Pablo Sainz Villegas guitarra, (España)
Joaquín RodrigoConcertino Aranjuez
Héctor TosarSinfonía Nº2 para cuerdas
November 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, & 15 20:00Auditorio Adela RetaÓperaVerdiAida (cheapest seats are $300)
November 10 19:30Iglesia de Punta CarretasStylus Phantasticus
Cristina García Banegas, órgano
Nicolaus BruhnsPräludium en mi
BuxtehudeCoral "Von Gott will ich nicht lassen"y Toccata en re
Johann Adam ReinckenFuga en sol menor
BachOrgelfantasie über "Wo Gott del Herr nicht bei
uns hält"
Fantasia super "Valet will ich dir geben" (BWV 735)
Coral "Aus der Tiefe rufe ich"
Coral "Herr JesuChrist dich zu uns wend"
Coral "Ach, was ist doch unser Leben"
Coral "Valet will ich dir geben" (BWV 736)
Präludium und Fuge en mi mayor
MIÉRCOLES 13 DE NOVIEMBRETeatro SolísOrquesta Filarmónica de Montevideo, Mtro. Martín Lebel (Fra) y con la participación estelar del tenor uruguayo Edgardo RochaÓperaInterpretando una selección de fragmentos de las principales óperas de Mozart, Rossini, Donizetti y Puccini, entre otros.

2. Due Date is Monday, August 26th for anyone interested in going together to any of the following Musical Events! Email to uyinfo (at)!

3. It is almost time for the CALEDONIAN BALL, which will take place on September 9th. More details (place, etc) to follow. Dances include most known Scottish dances, but there's also ballroom dance, and disco dance in between. It's a wonderful party!

4. We will be able to welcome back one of our own soon, but she needs a place to stay. The dates are October/November to March/April. A furnished rental flat in Pocitos/Punta Carretas area would be ideal, suitable for one plus occasional guests. One bedroom would suffice. Up to the US$1000 would be the maximum. Some place around the Ombu would be splendid, but anywhere in the area will be fine.

5. Travel seems to be a topic of interest to many.

a) A quick day trip to Peñarol via steam train: Check it out at
b) And from one of our group: He wrote: If you are interested,

Great your idea of travelling! Therefor I have an idea and proposal for you and your group.

Salta in the north of Argentina became the most popular place in Argentina to visit. There are wonderfull things to do and to see, like colourfull mountains, nice small towns, incredible landscapes, salt lakes, wild lamas, famous wine farms, and so on.

Have a look at this link:

For your information to getting here, the best is going to Colonia, take the ferry to Buenos Aires and Lan airlines (1hr50min) to Salta city.

It might be some far away, about a half day trip, but not much longer than a bus to Salto, Uruguay.

It may be the cost of travelling is some high, but the cost of your stay is so cheap that it compensates. I guess it is similar to the trips you proposed.

It is very cheap up here, much cheaper than Iguazu or Patagonia, near 50% lower costs than Buenos Aires.

A bottle of beer in a good Restaurant costs in Salta around 90 pesos uruguayos, to give you an example.

As I will be living in Salta for the rest of this year, I am ready to arrange everything for you in case you are interested to visit this wonderfull place and be your tourist guide for that time, of course I will not charge you, it would be a pleasure to meet you all up here. Also I could offer 2 beds in my house for free, in the city near all attractions – for someone in your group who could not afford the costs of a hotel.

If you are interested, please respond to uyinfo (at)

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