by Marita
(Montevideo Uruguay)
Dear Folks,
The time has come, many have said, to speak of changing the restaurant where we meet, and thus, this coming Sunday, February 3rd, we will meet at a new place. The name is Babieca, and it is located at the Mercado del Puerto. When you face the Mercado (where the kiosk and the little booths are), it is on the street to the left called Piedras.
There is a room upstairs which we can have to ourselves. The menu is quite extensive, and includes seafood, "Fast Food", and pasta. Several of our number have been there, and the food is deemed quite good. The prices are about the same as what we have found at other places, and the management has agreed to waive the 35 peso cover charge for our group, at least for now. They keep wanting to know how many will be there--it is hard for them to understand that we just never know. For this Sunday, at least, it would be super if you could let me know if you plan to come.
For the drivers, there is parking at Piedras and Maciel, the street that is right across from the port exit--drive up Maciel and park anywhere there. It should not be a problem on Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm).
So come and try it out. If we like it, we stay. If we don't, we can find another place. A word of caution: They have agreed to give us separate bills, and be sure to check it carefully, since a 40% overcharge has been experienced. But that happens quite frequently it seems, so, as I say, check the bill carefully. They do accept credit cards.
Other topics include:
1. Last week, info on salt (without flouride and such) and a crafts store was requested. And a helpful member responded:
Got info. on salt. To replace sodium chloride, I use a substitute potassium chloride salt made by Morton and available at Tienda Inglesa. According to the ingredient list, it does not contain fluoride but the following other ingredients: fumaric acid, tricalcium
2. One of our number, an excellent cook, uses different kinds of flour that have found great favor among those who have been treated to, for example, her pizza crust, made with different kinds of oat flour. Several people wanted to know the source, so she has responded with:
The name of the store were I go for flour is Niter S.A. and the address is Br. Jose Batlle y Ordonez 3037. Tel 2 481 7929. Bus 145 will take you there.
3. A South American herb has been recommended--marcela (or macela). A tea can be brewed from the yellow flowers, which is not only good for digestion, the liver, and even asthma, but it is also possibly an herb which can save bee hives from an invasive bacteria. One source for more information is:
4. Some sad news: One of our group has been diagnosed with cancer, and is hoping some of us can provide some experience and/or recommendations. She wrote:
Now I have, not the best news, after many tests I do have a carcinoma on my left tonsil...Fortunately I find the Dr.s helpful and caring and I believe quite competent ... I will probably have surgery soon, I find out all my options on Monday...My insurance is with Espanola...and so I will have recommendations for the Dr.s at Espanola, that have office visits available at the newer Torres Clinic near MVD shopping, as well as, on Blvd Artigas.
I don't know if anyone in the group has had any major medical here in UY, and if they have any useful info to share I would appreciate it. One of my obstacles is the language, but luckily I have a dear friend who has been able to help me on most of my visits...Sorry for the bummer news...I am concerned, but not terribly anxious yet, so that's good...and I'll pass on any info I think helpful to all in the group...
Please respond if you have any information that might be useful, either for posting or to be passed on privately.
Enough for today.
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