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Uruguay Clothing


Wondering what the latest style of Uruguay clothing may be this year? If the truth be told you will be seeing a variety of Western style fashions being worn in many of the large cities of Uruguay.

The people of Uruguay who live in Maldonado as well Punta de Este enjoy the latest fashion trends just as much as those individuals who live in Italy, London, New York or Paris.

There are some more traditional fashions that are associated with Uruguay clothing however. You will see gauchos, colorful ponchos, broad brimmed straw hats, brightly patterned scarves and traditional berets being worn by people of Uruguay who are strolling about on any street.

The clothing styles that are favored by South American ranch hands are known as gaucho clothes. These styles were first used by traditional Uruguay cowboys and they continue to be very popular with modern day gauchos in this country.

You will also see gaucho clothing being worn by cowboys in Brazil and Argentina as well as some adaptations of gaucho clothes that have made their way into mainstream fashion houses.

Many of the clothes associated with the gaucho style are now worn by a variety of Uruguay natives including those in big cities and well as people who live in more rural communities. These styles are comfortable, affordable and durable but they have also become trendy.

The pants that are made for horseback riding are called bombachas de campo and these are designed to be unisex apparel that can be worn by either a man or a woman. This choice is made from cotton fibers and these garments can last for a number of years.

Although these clothes are now available in a variety of styles and colors the button at the ankle clearly identifies them as bombachas de campo.

Wearers are able to use this ankle button to tighten the fit of the flared pants around the legs whenever they wish. Most of these trousers are offered in traditional colors such as white, black, green or navy blue.

Ponchos are simple garments favored by gauchos but these have long been one of the most commonly worn items related to Uruguay clothing. The poncho is similar to a cape and it is worn in cooler months for protection against the cold and wind.

Espadrilles, or alpargatas, are a type of footwear that is often associated with Uruguay clothing.

Cowboys will prefer boots when they are working but for casual wear both men and women often wear comfortable alpargatas. These are shoes with a rope or rubber sole and a canvas top.

These are available in both open-toe and closed-toe styles.

Modern Uruguay clothing designers are also making a name for themselves in today's fashion conscious society. You can expect to see colorful, creative styles by local clothes designers being sold in large Uruguay shopping centers such as Punta shopping right alongside clothing that bears the name of top designers from other countries.

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